Knee Problems

Knee Problems
I used to be a math teacher...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

More about me...

I love to use these dots...I was a school teacher (elementary and middle school) for 18 years. I am now a Realtor. (long story) I also help run my husband's business. His business is farming. We have a farm. We raise hay and feed it to cows, chickens and pigs. We sometimes have a vegetable garden, but not right now. Another long story. (don't worry...I'll get to that eventually). My husband sells his beef and eggs at farmer's markets around Houston. I also have a little side business where I sell fresh ground flours at farmer's markets. But, business is not exactly what this blog is about. It is how I manage to manage all of these businesses with really bad knees. I really think my bad knees are a result of a bad diet when I was young. That is yet another long story, which I will spend a LOT of time explaining, because I do not want my young children to have these same problems, nor do I want YOUR children to suffer as I do. I officially broke my first bone when I was 11. I fell down skating. After that, I broke bones here and there on a pretty steady schedule of every 6 months. Even as an adult I have had some pretty spectacular breaks. I have had surgeries. I have rods and pins and screws. I have had my bones studied. They seemed normal to the doctors. I am a very busy person. I whole lot of my work involves working on the computer. My two biggest issues right now that I will expand upon are: Christmas shopping, (this takes walking), and my family wants to take an airplane vacation. How on EARTH am I going to do this? Where will we go? What will we do once we GET there? (No doubt it will involve lots and lots of walking). How one earth will I cope far from home? Heck, how will I even handle getting TO the airplane in the airport??? These are my challanges for now. I will also share diet, supplements, and whatever I can find to avoid pain and surgery and doctors, as I have not the resources for surgery and doctors.

Introduction post

I am 46. I have a 6 year old and a 5 year old. I have super bad knees. I have no insurance. Many doctors have told me that they would be happy to give me new knees. Can't get them. Can't get insurance. Don't want to go on Medicare or whatever that is. So, I am stuck between a rock and a hardplace with me knees. And they make my hips and my back hurt. I am not skinny anymore, because I really can't walk too much. I am not starting this blog to be a whiner. I do not whine and complain for feel sorry for myself. It accomplishes nothing. I do not want to go to that dark place of being depressed about my situation. Sometimes it happens. Instead, I thought I would share with people how I cope with my problems. Maybe I can help others that are also living with bad joints. It was a long journey to get to a place where my legs got this bad. And believe it or not, they even make my shoulders hurt! How, well, I depend so much on my arms to hold me up, by leaning on the shopping carts, by sitting on a stool at the stove to cook and do kitchen makes my shoulders hurt. Anyone else have this problem? I spend a lot of time compemplating using this wheelchair that is sitting around in a storage area that my husband's family happens to have. But, I can't. I do not want my kids to have a mother that is sitting in a wheelchair. So, I suffer. I cope. I find new ways to get things done. I will post all my frustrations, coping stratigies and nitty gritty about my life here.  I hope I can help others with my ideas.